Motorcycle Thoughts

Motorcycles and Memories

Yup! Motorcycles…

As I’m sure I’ve said before, I can find some kind of life lesson in just about anything!

This time – as you have already guessed, the lesson is from a motorcycle.

This motorcycle is a very special bike. It’s a full sized eBike. When people hear ebike, they are thinking of the smaller ones. Like a bicycle with a small motor. This is much bigger.

My man has a full sized ebike – 450lbs of pure ebike!

It is his pride and joy in this moment of his life. It is a symbol to him of his hard work and his freedom.

We are empy-nesters now. When we had children – they were our miracle. Our pride and joy at that moment in out lives, (still are, just in a different way). We were able to work through many family issues. Separation, having the children taken away, we made mistakes. We lost contact. We also came back together fourteen years later. Stronger.

“They” say that one of two things happen to a family during difficult times. You either come closer together, or you are pushed apart.

It’s also a good time to remember things don’t always go as planned.

Like coming out from work and seeing your bike wrapped around the wheels of a transport truck. Horrifying…not because of the bike, but because of what it represented. The representation of hard work. The man hours it took to pay for it. Then also the cost to care for it. It also represented freedom. Freedom to be able to get up and go. Not having to rely on people.


It can also represent new beginnings.

The bike was replaced after the accident. According to the specs it was the exact same bike. There’s one thing with new beginnings though.

They are new…

We can’t expect new beginnings to be the same as the old that we got so use to. Things will be different, because if they weren’t they wouldn’t be new.

So, no – it won’t feel the same. The seat might be a little different. The grips might not feel right. The way it handles will be different, even though the specs say it’s the same, the rider knows it’s not.

The same happens in life. When we feel like our life has been run over, just messed up, let’s make it an opportunity to start fresh.

I know, I know…. How many times do we have to DO this??!!

Well…how does as many times as it takes?

Don’t lose heart or hope. Just like my Man got use to his new bike, so we get use to the new changes in life that happen. Sometimes it’s very tiring, or even downright exhausting. That’s okay; take a rest. Breath a moment. Then continue on!

Remember; when it feels like everything is messed up or in ruins, grab a hold to the new things that can come out of that, and don’t be scared move forward towards the newness.

This also means that what affects one person may not affect another.

My guy was very upset about a bike, but some of us may not have had the same reaction. For him it was devastating but he managed to get through it. He is working on his new bike to make it right for him. He’s not trying to turn it into his old bike though. He’s making it into HIS bike.

That’s what we need to do in life, we need to make the new changes that come in life, into OUR own. Our new beginnings, not that we are trying to make things like they use to be, but you can grab a hold of the dreams and still go for it.

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